1 IntroductionCloud SQL helps to manage RDB on GCP for us. There are 3 ways to create the database:(1) Create on Console(2) Create with gcloud(3) Crea
1 IntroductionWe always need to create the GCE(Google Compute Engine) if we use GCP. There are many ways to create GCE:(1) Create on Console(2) Create
1 IntroductionGKE(Google Kubernetes Engine) is a k8s platform, we can use gcloud to create a GKE cluster. For GCP initiation, can go to: How to initia
管理Terraform状态文件的最佳方式是通过云端的统一的存储,如谷歌云就用GCS。首先要创建一个Bucket:$ gsutil mb -p pkslow -l us-west1 -b on gs://pkslow-terraformCreating gs://pkslow-terraform/..
1 IntroductionTerraform is a tool to manage infrastructure on many platform like AWS, GCP and Azure. I will show you how to manage the GCP Pub/Sub wi