How to Install Zookeeper and Kafka Cluster This article explains how to install the zookeeper and kafka cluster. For convenience, it will just run the
简介 这两个都是接口,在Java多线程中用得很多。主要区别有: Runnable Interface Callable Interface 类包 java.lang.Runnableᦁ
Introduction Both Runnable and Callable are interface for multiple-thread in Java. Let’s compare them with code. The main differences: Runnable Interf
Intro In real world, we must wait for sub-tasks to finish before we can proceed. In Java, there are many ways to implement for such case. Thread.join(
简介 在现实世界中,我们常常需要等待其它任务完成,才能继续执行下一步。Java实现等待子线程完成再继续执行的方式很多。我们来&
各系统安装JDK的方式差不多,建议统一采用解压可执行二进制包,然后配置环境变量的方法。 # 下载压缩包 wget
简介GraalVM是高性能的JDK,支持Java/Python/JavaScript等语言。它可以让Java变成二进制文件来执行,让程序在任何地方运行更快。这或许是Java与Go的一场战争?下载安装GraalVM安装GraalVM首先到官网下载,我是直接到GitHub Release Page下载的