How to Install Zookeeper and Kafka Cluster

How to Install Zookeeper and Kafka Cluster This article explains how to install the zookeeper and kafka cluster. For convenience, it will just run the

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-04-17


广州办理港澳通行证续签 续签 现在续签非常方便,只要是广东省内的卡,都可以直接去自助机办理续&

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-04-13


宝宝拉肚子严重怎么办-细菌感染的急性肠胃炎 2023年4月5日清明放假,带兔兔去吃了个宵夜,Ļ

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-04-13

Spring Boot整合Google Bard - Web接口访问Google AI聊天机器人

Spring Boot整合Google Bard - Web接口访问Google AI聊天机器人 之前开发了一个关于Google Bard的Java库,可以帮助我们&

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-03-30

Spring Boot Integration with Google Bard - Web API to access the Google AI chat box

Spring Boot Integration with Google Bard - Web API to access the Google AI chat box I have created a Java library for Google Bard that can help us mak

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-03-30

用Python基于Google Bard做一个交互式的聊天机器人

用Python基于Google Bard做一个交互式的聊天机器人 之前已经通过浏览器试过了 Google Bard ,更多细节请看:

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-03-24

Use Python to Build a Google Bard Chatbot Client Locally

Use Python to Build a Google Bard Chatbot Client Locally We had tried out the Google Bard with browser, more details here: Try out Google Bard, Will G

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-03-23

Try out Google Bard, Will Google Bard beat the ChatGPT?

Try out Google Bard, Will Google Bard beat the ChatGPT? Give a try on Google Bard Google has begun opening up the Google Bard(An AI Chat Solution) to

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-03-23

Callable VS Runnable对比

简介 这两个都是接口,在Java多线程中用得很多。主要区别有: Runnable Interface Callable Interface 类包 java.lang.Runnableᦁ

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-03-09

Difference Between Callable and Runnable in Java

Introduction Both Runnable and Callable are interface for multiple-thread in Java. Let’s compare them with code. The main differences: Runnable Interf

LarryDpk LarryDpk 发布于 2023-03-09