# How to pass the CKA exam

# What is CKA?

The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program was created by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), in collaboration with The Linux Foundation, to help develop the Kubernetes ecosystem.

I passed the CKA on November 21, 2020 and I will talk about the experience and tips.

# The exam

I grabbed the key information for the CNCF as below:

But also some other tips from my personal exam:

  • You need to install the chrome plugin for the exam, may need use VPN in China;
  • You can use Google account to access linuxfoundation.org;
  • Don't waste time during the exam, it's just 2 hours;
  • Set the command completion for kubectl before to answer the questions;
  • Only two Chrome tabs are allowed;
  • Use kubectl get/describe to check your answers before submit;
  • Try to use kubectl create/scale/expose other than create the yaml files or edit;
  • Use kubectl run with — dry-run flag as much as you can. It’s an easier and faster way to create resources in the cluster.
  • Marked the question you are not sure, don't hung at it;
  • Remember to switch the k8s context when you switch the question;
  • If you ssh to remote servers, remember to be back after finishing the steps;
  • Get familiar with the vi/vim before you take the exam;
  • Bookmark the links you want to refer to;
  • Review the cheatsheet (opens new window), you will learn more;
  • Review the docs (opens new window), you will learn all;
  • Take it easy! You will pass!

# last but not least

You can visit the Chinsese Version for more detail: 2020年11月CKA新题考试心得体会 (opens new window) .

I share my bookmarks here, hope they can help you(If you want the English Version, just switch to it):

kubectl 备忘单 | Kubernetes (opens new window) kubectl | Kubernetes (opens new window) Kubectl Reference Docs (opens new window) 使用 RBAC 鉴权 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 节点 cordon| Kubernetes (opens new window) 驱逐 确保 PodDisruptionBudget 的前提下安全地清空一个节点 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 升级 kubeadm 集群 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 为 Kubernetes 运行 etcd 集群 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 网络策略 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 服务 | Kubernetes (opens new window) Ingress | Kubernetes (opens new window) Deployments | Kubernetes (opens new window) 将 Pod 分配给节点 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 污点和容忍度 | Kubernetes (opens new window) Pod 拓扑扩展约束 | Kubernetes (opens new window) Init 容器 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 持久卷 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 持久卷 pvc| Kubernetes (opens new window) 持久卷 pod pvc | Kubernetes (opens new window) 卷 volumeMounts | Kubernetes (opens new window) 配置 Pod 以使用 PersistentVolume 作为存储 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 卷 - hostPath | Kubernetes (opens new window) 存储类 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 调试 Service | Kubernetes (opens new window) 日志架构 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 集群故障排查 | Kubernetes (opens new window) emptyDir 配置 Pod 以使用卷进行存储 | Kubernetes (opens new window) 配置 Pod 使用 ConfigMap | Kubernetes (opens new window) 使用 Secret 安全地分发凭证 | Kubernetes (opens new window) Pod 与 Service 的 DNS | Kubernetes (opens new window) 安装 kubeadm | Kubernetes (opens new window) 为 Pod 或容器配置安全性上下文 | Kubernetes (opens new window) Pod 安全策略 | Kubernetes (opens new window)

Last Updated: 8/18/2023, 11:39:36 PM