# Three ways to create Cloud SQL on GCP(Console,gcloud,Terraform)

# 1 Introduction

Cloud SQL helps to manage RDB on GCP for us. There are 3 ways to create the database:

(1) Create on Console

(2) Create with gcloud

(3) Create with Terraform

For GCP initiation, can go to: How to initiate the GCP project and use gcloud to access (opens new window).

# 2 GCP Console

Login to the GCP console and go to SQL to create the Cloud SQL. You can choose MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server.

For PostgreSQL, you can speicify the paramters as below:

# 3 gcloud

We can create Cloud SQL with Google SDK(gcloud) with the command:

$ gcloud sql instances create pkslow-testdb \
--database-version=POSTGRES_13 \
--region=us-west1 \
--cpu=1 \
--memory=3840MB \

Creating Cloud SQL instance...done.                                                                                                                             
Created [https://sqladmin.googleapis.com/sql/v1beta4/projects/pkslow/instances/pkslow-testdb].
pkslow-testdb  POSTGRES_13       us-west1-a  db-custom-1-3840    -                RUNNABLE

authorized-networks is important to authorize who can access the database.

Set the password for postgres:

$ gcloud sql users set-password postgres \
--instance=pkslow-testdb \

Create the database with the instance:

$ gcloud sql databases create billing --instance=pkslow-testdb

Creating Cloud SQL database...done.                                                                                                                             
Created database [billing].
instance: pkslow-testdb
name: billing
project: pkslow

Connect to the database on local laptop:

After connected, we can create the table and insert some data into the db:

CREATE TABLE pkslow_person (
                               name varchar not null,
                                 age int not null,
                                 city varchar not null

insert into pkslow_person(name, age, city) VALUES ('Larry', 1, 'GZ');
insert into pkslow_person(name, age, city) VALUES ('pkslow', 2, 'SZ');
insert into pkslow_person(name, age, city) VALUES ('Deng', 21, 'SZ');
insert into pkslow_person(name, age, city) VALUES ('Eason', 13, 'BJ');
insert into pkslow_person(name, age, city) VALUES ('JJ', 43, 'SH');
insert into pkslow_person(name, age, city) VALUES ('Mi', 28, 'HK');

Check the data:

# 4 Terraform

We can create the database with Terraform:

provider "google" {
  project     = "pkslow"

resource "google_sql_database_instance" "instance" {
  name             = "pkslow-postgresql"
  region           = "us-west1"
  database_version = "POSTGRES_13"
  settings {
    tier = "db-f1-micro"

    ip_configuration {
          ipv4_enabled = "true"

          authorized_networks {
            value           = ""
            name            = "allow-all"
            expiration_time = "2099-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"


  deletion_protection  = "true"

resource "google_sql_database" "database" {
  name     = "billing"
  instance = google_sql_database_instance.instance.name

resource "google_sql_user" "users" {
  name     = "larry"
  instance = google_sql_database_instance.instance.name
  password = "larry.pass"

This will create 3 resources for us: Instance, Database and User.

Run the commands to make it happen:

$ terraform init -plugin-dir=${TERRAFORM_PLUGIN}

$ terraform plan

$ terraform apply -auto-approve

The Terraform will create the Bucket to manage the Terraform state:

After the commands completed, check the instances:

$ gcloud sql instances list
pkslow-postgresql  POSTGRES_13       us-west1-a  db-f1-micro    -                RUNNABLE
pkslow-testdb      POSTGRES_13       us-west1-a  db-custom-1-3840    -                RUNNABLE

Connected to database on local:

# 5 code

Code on GitHub: https://github.com/LarryDpk/pkslow-samples


GCP Create PostgreSQL instance (opens new window)

Terraform GCP Cloudsql (opens new window)

Last Updated: 8/18/2023, 11:39:36 PM